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The Prism Prize

July 6, 2024

The Prism Prize is a national, juried award established to recognize the artistry of the modern music video in Canada.

A jury of more than 100 Canadian music and film industry professionals – including members of the print/web media, broadcasting, film, radio, and video art communities – has been selected to nominate the 10 best videos of the year to comprise our shortlist.

These jurors are then charged with the task of crowning one video as the winner of the annual Prism Prize, which carries with it a substantial cash reward.The Prism Prize is awarded based on artistic merit. Jurors are asked to consider the following criteria when selecting the best video of the year: Originality, Creativity, Style, Innovation and Effective Execution.

Manifesto Festival of Community and Culture

August 8, 2024

Manifesto Community Projects is a non-profit grassroots organization working to unite, energize and celebrate Toronto’s vibrant and diverse music and arts community and find innovative ways of working together towards common goals. Growing to be the largest and most unique festival of its kind in just three short years, the critically acclaimed Manifesto Festival of Community & Culture brings together hundreds of artists & performers, and thousands of spectators to showcase our city’s talented arts community and strengthen its foundations by building a collective sense of pride and possibility.